Fox hunters gathered in front of the Old Cloudland Hotel on top of Roan Mountain.

Fox hunters gathered in front of the Old Cloudland Hotel on top of Roan Mountain.

The July 21, 1955 edition of the Tri-County News featured this photo taken in 1905 at Roan Mountain in front of the bowling alley of the old Cloudland Hotel. These fox hunters are posing with their dogs. They are (left to right): Reverend Molt Buchanan, Bergin Gouge, David Hobson, Tary Ellis, Tom Hobson, John Hobson, Senior, Jeff Ellis, Fred Ellis, Senior, and Ed Wilson, Senior. The News noted that three of the group were till alive in 1955: John Hobson, Sr., Ed Wilson, Sr. and Molt Buchanan. The paper also reported that “many of the sons and grandsons of these fox hound men of yester-year are among the best fox hunters of this section.” They also noted that the hounds of these later generation hunters are “fine registers animals, each worth from $200 a piece up.”